Professional Neurosurgery Medical Centre
Provide treatment for stroke, brain tumors neurovascular diseases epilepsy and other neurological dise
— General Neurosurgery
— Spinal Surgery
— Non-surgical treatment for back pain
— Neuro-Rehabilitation
— 中風:缺血性中風,出血性中風,蛛網膜下出血; — 頭部創傷:硬膜下血腫,腦創傷,頭皮創傷,頭骨折; — 腦感染:腦膿腫,腦膜炎; — 腦下垂體中風; — 急性腦積水; — 急性脊髓壓迫。

Our Services
As a developed and modern metropolis, Hong Kong has similar disease pattern and prevalence as most western countries. The incidence of cranial tumors and stroke is on a rising trend in recent decades. Through our experienced neurosurgeons, Hong Kong Neurosurgery Centre provides professional surgical care for general neurosurgical conditions and diseases.
General Neurosurgery
General Neurosurgery
Spinal Surgery
Spinal Surgery
Non-Surgical Treatment
For Back Pain
Non-Surgical Treatment For Back Pain
Hong Kong Neurosurgery Centre is committed to providing a comprehensive medical care for your neurological and spinal problems with experience, effectiveness and excellence.